Social Emotional Learning
2023 Teacher of the Year Lisa Taft talks about Social Emotional Learning in her classroom
What is Social & Emotional Learning?
Social and emotional learning (SEL) is the process through which children and adults understand and manage emotions, set and achieve positive goals, feel and show empathy for others, establish and maintain positive relationships, and make responsible decisions. (CASEL, 2019)
How do Naugatuck Public Schools Incorporate SEL in schools?
- Assess SEL level of mastery for all elementary, intermediate, and middle school students
- Participate in PBIS- Positive Behavior Intervention & Support
- Elementary and intermediate school counselors deliver classroom lessons aligned with SEL competencies
- Practice Mindfulness in the classroom
- Implement RULER, which is an evidence-based program through Yale's Center for Emotional Intelligence. The RULER program provides strategies for recognizing, understanding, labeling, expressing, and regulating emotions
Project AWARE
Naugatuck Public Schools have been awarded a grant through Project AWARE (Advancing Wellness and Resiliency in Education).
Creating a safe, welcoming, happy, and adaptable community is a priority for Naugatuck Public Schools. Project AWARE supports this goal by providing the opportunity for professional learning, fostering community partnerships, and supporting evidence-based interventions related to SEL.