Chromebook Policy
Naugatuck Public Schools - 1:1 Chromebook Agreement
- Students are solely responsible for the physical condition of their Chromebook, and are expected to adhere to the following guidelines for caring for their Chromebooks:
- Students may not personalize the physical Chromebook UNLESS it is protected by a removable skin
- Food or drink should not be consumed near your Chromebook when it is in use
- Use caution when connecting/disconnecting any cords, cables, or other removable hardware
- Never carry the Chromebook when the screen is open
- Be careful there are no obstructions when closing the screens (pens, power cables, etc.)
- Chromebooks should be powered OFF before storing to preserve battery life and internal hardware
- Never leave the Chromebook unattended, unlocked, or unsupervised
- Never leave the Chromebook where it could be subject to extreme temperatures (i.e. car)
- Chromebooks should always be carried/transported in a protective case, bag, or sleeve
- The Chromebook must be closed before placing it any cases, bags, or sleeves
- Nothing should be placed on top of the Chromebook
- Students and their parents/guardians are asked to notify their teacher if their Chromebook is not in working condition so a plan can be made to have it fixed and switched out with another one while repairs are being completed.
- Students are expected to adhere to the following classroom norms regarding Chromebook use:
- Chromebooks will be used for educational purposes only; students should not use Chromebooks to access websites, games, or other applications unrelated to academics
- Use of Chromebooks is governed by the Naugatuck Public School’s acceptable use policy both in and out of school.
- Students should not have an expectation of privacy when using Chromebooks at school or at home, including email, stored files, or internet activity. The District reserves the right to monitor all Chromebook activity by students.
- Students may not attempt to alter or bypass any restrictions on Chromebook activity or security measures by “jailbreaking,” using VPNs, or any other means
- Parents should be aware that District internet filters are in place when Chromebooks are connected to outside networks. Parents are encouraged to regularly review internet browsing history with their students
- Students will not install any unauthorized applications on their Chromebook.
Naugatuck Public Schools Student Pledge for Chromebook Use
- I will take good care of my Chromebook.
- I will never leave my Chromebook unattended in an unsupervised or unsecure location
- I will never loan my Chromebook to other individuals.
- I will know where my Chromebook is at all times.
- I will charge my Chromebook's battery daily.
- I will keep food and beverages away from my Chromebook since they may cause damage to the computer.
- I will not disassemble any part of my Chromebook or attempt any repairs.
- I will protect my Chromebook by only carrying it while in the case provided.
- I will use my Chromebook computer in ways that are appropriate and educational.
- I will not deface the serial number Chromebook sticker on any Chromebook.
- I understand that my Chromebook is subject to inspection at any time without notice and remains the property of the Naugatuck Public Schools.
- I will follow the policies outlined in the Chromebook Procedures and Information and the District’s Acceptable Use Policy.
- I will file a police report in case of theft, vandalism, and other necessary acts.
- I will be responsible for all damage or loss caused by neglect or abuse.
- I agree to pay for the replacement items in accordance with the above document in the event any of these items are lost or stolen.
- I agree to return the Naugatuck Public Schools’ Chromebook and charger in good working condition.
Naugatuck Public Schools Chromebook Procedures Agreement
Student Agreement
I have read, understand and agree to abide by the terms of the Chromebook Procedures and Information; the Acceptable Use Policy; Student Pledge for Chromebook Use. Should I commit any violation or in any way misuse my Chromebook, I understand and agree that my access privileges may be revoked and school disciplinary action may be taken against me. I understand that I am to treat my Chromebook no different than any other District-owned piece of equipment. I will not alter it, make changes to it, or use it in a manner that is not aligned with District guidelines. If I am signing this statement when I am under 18, I understand that when I turn 18, this agreement will continue to be in effect and I agree to abide by all terms.
Parent/Guardian Agreement
As the parent or legal guardian of the above minor, I have read, understand and agree that my student shall comply with the terms of Naugatuck Public School’s Chromebook Procedures and Information. I understand that the Chromebooks are a privilege and can be revoked if misused. I understand that if the Chromebook is damaged, lost, or stolen, my student or myself will be responsible to reimburse the District for the cost of the repair or replacement.
I am signing this and agree to indemnify and hold harmless the Naugatuck Public Schools against all claims, damages, losses and costs of whatever kind, that may result from my student’s use of his or her Chromebook or violation of the foregoing Chromebook Procedures and Information. Further, I accept full responsibility for supervision of my student’s use of his or her Chromebook if and when such access is not in the school setting. I hereby give permission for my student to use a Chromebook authorized by Naugatuck Public Schools and agree to the above terms.