District Strategic Plan
Naugatuck Public Schools Strategic Framework 2018-2021
Designed to ensure that each and every child becomes the Vision of the Graduate
Our mission is to empower a community of learners who will:
- Be responsible and engaged citizens
- Demonstrate initiative, persistence, adaptability and creativity
- Be curious and value risk-taking as part of the learning process
- Access and analyze information and formulate opinions
- Communicate effectively
- Work individually and on teams to solve real-world problems
Priority #1
A Community that Expects all Learners to Demonstrate Competence, Engage in Deep and Critical Thinking, and Apply their Learning to Contribute to Improving our World
If we cultivate a collaborative culture relentlessly focused on the competence and growth of every student, every teacher and every leader,
then every student will demonstrate competence as they become the Vision of the Graduate
Strategy 1.1
Create, Revise, and Communicate NPS Competencies and Scoring Guides and Instructional Frameworks that Establish High Expectations for Every Learner in our District
- Action A The Curriculum Director will facilitate the revision of Competencies, through collaborative NPS curriculum design processes: Science Competencies (K-12); PE/Health Competencies (K-12); World Language Competencies (7-12); and refine all competencies and scoring guides through the NPS iterative curriculum development processes.
- Action B The Curriculum Director will Facilitate Refining Math Instructional Framework (K-12); Develop Reading/Language Arts and Science Frameworks (K-12) to include Project- and Inquiry-based approaches.
- Action C The Professional Development and Evaluation Committee (PDEC) will redesign the Instructional Practice Rubric and teacher evaluation processes such that it represents a coherent plan to support adult learning linked to student competence.
- Action D The Instructional Leadership Team will collaborate with administrators to develop Professional Learning Guidelines and Tools.
Strategy 1.2
Design High Quality Learning Experiences that Engage Every Learner in Tasks that Challenge them to Explore, Make Meaning, Create and Apply their Learning to the Real World
- Action A Curriculum teams will design Humanities Units of Study(K-12) articulating common tasks; Curriculum team members and administrators will work with teachers in PLCs and professional learning time to plan and implement instruction, and evaluate learning through student work analysis.
- Action B Leaders and teachers will engage in the continuous analysis of tasks, student work, scoring guides, and standard measures as we seek to develop a calibrated understanding of competence.
- Action C Leaders will engage in a professional learning plan articulated in the District's Theory of Action in order to continually link leader practices to teacher needs based on student learning needs.Each school will articulate a To A that outlines their learning plan and present that plan during Instructional Rounds.
- Action D Designated District Instructional Leadership Team partners will support School leaders to design professional learning and improve professional learning practices.; We will use a lesson study protocol to reflect upon and improve professional learning practices.
Strategy 1.3
Create Accountability Systems for Monitoring Learning and Individualizing Experiences so that Every Learner Develops and Demonstrates Competence
- Action A The district will implement competency- based-growth report cards in Grade 5 in 2018-19 and Grade 6 in 2019-20.; Each school principal will use the goals from the strategic plan to develop systems to monitor and evaluate progress toward competence. The administrative team use the goals from the strategic plan to evaluate and monitor progress toward competence in grades K-4 in 2018-19.
- Action B The Professional Development and Evaluation Committee (PDEC) will Redesign the Instructional Practice Rubric and teacher evaluation processes such that it represents a coherent plan to support adult learning linked to student competence. Principals and special education administrators will co-observe resource teachers in 2018-19.&
- Action C The Director of Special Services and Director of Curriculum will create a framework for NPS Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS - formerly SRBI). The framework will include assessments, benchmarks, and instructional tools. Processes and Criteria for how Intervention Plans will be developed, written and monitored will be included.
Priority #2
Naugatuck School District and Every School is a Safe, Welcoming, Happy and Adaptable Community
If we promote authentic relationships and a shared commitment to the wellness and sociocultural and emotional learning of each and every member of our community;
then our district and school climates will enable each and every learner to comfortably explore and develop themselves as learners and valued community members
Strategy 2.1
NPS will partner with teh CSDE, DCF, Naugatuck Youth Services, and Naugatuck's Partnership for Children to Implement project AWARE (Advancing Wellness and Resiliency in Education)
- Action A NPS will Partner with the CSDE, DCF, Naugatuck Youth Services, and Naugatuck's Partnership for Children; to Implement project AWARE (Advancing Wellness and Resiliency in Education)The district will identify a leadership team for Project AWARE who will facilitate the professional learning and partnerships outlined in the grant; aimed at building our collective capacity to help students develop Sociocultural and Emotional Learning (ScEL) competencies as they become the Vision of the Graduate.
- Action B The District will integrate Sociocultural and Emotional Learning (ScEL) competencies into our core program. The District Instructional Leadership Team will attend
- Action C The district will identify key personnel and create standard processes for identifying and intervening for students who are not progressing toward competence.; Intervention plans will be documented in RTI-Direct.
Strategy 2.2
Create a Culture of Shared Responsibility for Safety and Security in our Schools
- Action A Engage Staff regularly in drills and reporting structures that build their capacity to respond and adapt to various crisis situations.
- Action B Conduct Active Intruder Drills with Preschool, Elementary and Intermediate Staff beginning in the 2018-19 school year.
- Action C Engage community partners in an ongoing basis through the District Safety Committee to collaboratively revise and strengthen our All-Hazards Plan.
Strategy 2.3
Incorporate Student Perspective, Voice and Feedback into our Everyday and Annual Improvement Practices
- Action A Strengthen Relationships with students through everyday interactions, conducting Focus and Advisory Groups and varied opportunities; for each and every student to be celebrated as a valued member of our community.
- Action B Share student survey results with teachers with particular attention to the Supportive Relationship Construct
Priority #3
Naugatuck School District Operational Systems Function in Service of Our Schools
If our operational systems keep the work of our schools as "the customer "as we strive to improve our services;
then every school in the district will have the resources to support every learner as they become the Vision of the Graduate
Strategy 3.1
Develop and Implement NPS Financial Processes to Ensure Real Time Financial Information in order to Maximize Resources and Strategic Decision Making;
- Action A The Business Manager will create a culture of professionalism and mutual respect through staff meetings and professional development.
- Action B The Business Manager will improve communication with schools and departments with a regularly scheduled process to validate open purchase orders;
- Action C The Business Manager, in collaboration with the Borough Controller, will design and implement a monthly procedure; to balance the general fund BOE ledger with the Borough and to resolve discrepancies in a timely manner.
- Action D The Business Manager will design and implement a quarterly review process with Administrators and Departmental Managers to monitor spending, explain variances and resolve outstanding issues.
Strategy 3.2
Create a High Functioning Facility Team with a Commitment to Implement NPS Processes and Measures that Consistently Maintain an Environment of and for Learning
- Action A The Director of Facilities will collaborate with NPS leaders to construct, communicate, and publish NPS Facilities Standard Operating Procedures(SOPs),; and provide training, monitoring and support to the head custodians and plant engineer to build their capacity to lead the department.
- Action B The Director of Facilities and other district leaders will collaboratively modify the work order tool and ensure district wide use of the online work order system; in order to manage short term and long term district facility operational needs, as well as capital planning.
- Action C The Director of Facilities will provide training for the head custodians and plant engineer to develop team building skills and improved communication within the facilities department.
- Action D The Director of Facilities will establish indicators and develop a quarterly NPS Facilities Progress Report and share quarterly with leaders and staff within the district.
Strategy 3.3
Design technology systems and NPS IT Processes to Enable Every Community Member to Access and Utilize Information that is Accurate, Timely and Meaningful to Their Role
- Action A The Information Technology Director will ensure that RTI Direct, 504 Direct, IEP Direct, and data regarding student competence are easily accessible to school users through PowerSchool.
- Action B The Information Technology Director will provide ongoing professional development to the IT Department; so they can support building leaders (admin, teachers, coaches, etc.) as they use technology to deepen learning.
- Action C The IT leader will facilitate research about new, innovative systems that support district priorities and integrate with our existing framework.
- Action D The IT Director will ensure that the NPS website and social media platforms communicate the values, priorities and mission of the district.; Media Specialists will serve as school-based web masters. They will meet with Communication Specialist monthly.
Strategy 3.4
Develop and Implement NPS Human Resource Support Systems and Processes that Attract and Retain the Highest Quality Employees at Every Level of the Organization
- Action A Human Resource Director, administrators, and staff will collaborate to design and publish a more efficient and responsive new hire/transfer process.
- Action B Human Resource Director will collaborate with department leaders to design and implement the NPS human resource web portal and Employee Self Service.
- Action C Human Resource Director and administrators will collaborate to refine and publish a recruitment and hiring process that identifies high quality employees who will ensure that all students become the Vision of the Graduate.
- Action D Human Resource Director will solicit input from administrators in order to develop a system to improve and maintain the district substitute teacher fill rate.